The Tipsword Law Firm, P.C. Geric L. Tipsword, Esq.
The Tipsword Law Firm, P.C.Geric L. Tipsword, Esq. 

CPS Defense

Has CPS invaded your privacy?  Mr Tipsword can help you defend against this invasion, having years of experience defending against CPS.  He has successfully represented parents in both bench trials and jury trials against CPS.  In addition, Mr. Tipsword has extensive knowledge of the Texas Family Code and how that relates to CPS cases. 


Mr. Tipsword has the distinguished honor of being the first attorney to win a jury trial against CPS in Montgomery County in more than 20 years.


CPS will never tell you that you have the right to remain silent and the right to refuse a drug test.  Most importantly, you DO NOT have to allow CPS into your home.  If your children are taken and/or you are served with paperwork from CPS, the most important hearing is the Show Cause hearing.  DO NOT go to this hearing without an attorney.


The Tipsword Law Firm, P.C.

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 310037

Houston, TX 77231

Physical Address:

1914 North Memorial Way

Houston, TX 77007

Phone:  713.432.7884

Facsimile:  713.432.7885


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